Saturday, January 19, 2008

a little under a month left in chicago....

It's about 20 below zero, still packing up my apartment, trying to find someone to sublet my apartment.

Oh yea, I had an infection that laid me up in bed last week for about 4 days and fer fucks sake, I have to get another freakin' tooth pulled on Tuesday. Pretty soon I'll have more fingers than teeth left at this rate.

Remember kids, don't smoke, don't get into fights and get a broken jaw and most importantly stay away from Mt. Dew, it rots your teeth out.

So what's been goin on.... hmmm...

like i said, still packing up my apartment. got my place in portland secured. been training pretty intensely for my new job duties. got my moving trailer secured.

and lastly have been trying to sublet my apartment so I don't get stuck with paying double rent. Might have someone who will take over my lease, but it means that I'll have to be out of the apartment by Feb. 1.

That gives me 20 days to figure out where I'm going to spend my last days in chicago.

maybe I can stay with the family that moves into my place. This seems pretty awkward, as I really don't know them that well.

maybe I can sleep in my apartments laundery basement without getting caught, but this seems like a pretty stupid idea.

or I find a cheap ass crack-whore hotel to live. Not too wild about that one either, as the last cheap hotel i stayed at was a hostel down in miami beach and i swear to god i got bed bugs. (gross)

or I break down and ask one of my coworkers if I can crash on their couch for about 3 weeks. This is probably my best alternative, but I hate imposing on people

or I say ufck it and move 2 weeks earlier than I planned so I don't have to live in a goddamn shelter. It's too freakin' cold right now.

I saw cloverfield last night and it was ok. made me motion sick.

Was trying to get playoff tickets to the NFC championship game in Green Bay this weekend and this will probably be the last time I have the chance to make it up to mecca, but bailed because of my freakin tooth and i need to save my money for my move.

well, that's the low down skinney from here..

keep on keepin' on.


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