Friday, January 25, 2008

chinese dentistry part 2

last tuesday, got another tooth pulled.
Went to the grocery store tonight, and ran into this guy signing autographs. sweet. i ran home and found his rookie card and had him sign it.
had my annual review today. it went ok. it went so good, they're shipping me out to portland with the hippies and the democrats.

speaking of portland, i'm almost packed up. christ, you never know how much shit you have until you try to cram everything into boxes. luckily the owner of the ups store is a good guy and keeps giving me free boxes; which is a good thing, because boxes are way to overpriced.

my tooth got so bad, it got really infected and i had to postpone my trip up to green bay in an attempt to go to the nfc championship game. i'm pretty sure i wouldn't have gotten into the game, but looks like i missed my change to make it to lambeau. oh, well, sounds like a trip for next year. anyways, my tooth got so infected that i got a really high fever and had to take a few days off from work. it kind of felt like i got hit by a bat alongside my noggin. i guess the tooth rests right up against a sinus cavity, and that got infected to or maybe just the nerve (not sure) but during the 3 days i was holed up in my bed i really started to trip out and have really crazy dreams.

Not all it was that coherent, but i kept dreaming/hallucinating that i was running through the forest with a bunch of people i grew up with and we kept kind of losing our minds. Well, we kept forgetting stuff and only remembering the last few minutes or so... i'm not certain how that even works, but believe me it was pretty messed up.

another one i had was where i saw something steak across the sky, (i'm guessing a meteorite or comet or something) and everyone on earth lost their hearing. all i remember is running toward some large city (maybe chicago or new york) and being very scared. i think i had that one because i had just seen cloverfield.

but the most fucked up one was where i found myself back in my highschool cafeteria and waiting in line at the lunch counter waiting for peggy cansfield to scoop me up some mashed potatoes. all i really remember is she slopped some on my plate along with some corn and gravy and then gave me some boiled potatoes and told me that i had to mash the rest up myself.

my god... i think i'm going nutso...

Well my fever finally broke a few days later and i went to the dentist and he labeled my tooth as grossly decayed. although he said he could save the tooth and do a root canal, i wasn't about to spend $1,500 when I can spend $300 to $400 to get it pulled.

In 3 months I've had 2 teeth pulled; 1 resulting from a broken jaw about 9 years ago and another from drinking way too much mt. dew and smoking too many damn cigarettes and probably not flossing...

I just hope in the future, they can clone teeth, so I can replace the ones i lost and may still lose. i just don't want to look like a total hillbilly, although it can be argued that i already am. Screw you Dootch!!

Well, better get going. got a busy day tomorrow of more packing and cleaning and trying to stay out of the emergency room, dentist office or not get sick. (I turned 30 this year and basically fell apart) Good thing I have health insurance.

27 days left in chicago and freezing my ass off in arctic weather.

You don't have to floss your teeth. you only need to floss the teeth that you want to keep. - Dr. Prince (my old orthodontist)

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